Vanita Monk, Johanna Monk and Linda Nijboer.

Boterklontje is the amazing feminist noise trio of Vanita Monk (electric guitar, voice), Linda Nijboer (no-input mixer) and Johanna Monk (mixer and other instruments). It’s one of the projects born from the RE#SISTER community! Linda also plays in Fckn’Bstrds and Parasnol. Vanita and Johanna play in Oxygen Tank, Traumatic Octopus Experience, and Monk Ernsting & Monk.

“Where it’s at? We got two typewriters and a modular,”
Beck aptly described us in his hit song.

Lucija Gregov(HR) and Tisa Neža Herlec (SI)

A free improvisation duo based in Rotterdam, exploring precarity, vulnerability and politics with voice and cello.
cTrL · Exuse Me!

RE#SISTER member Tisa Neža Herlec initiated Open Improv Sessions at WORM: playful, participatory, community encounters of performers and improvisers from different disciplines and mediums (such as movement, music, poetry and visuals).
The sessions are a fruitful environment of mutual learning and experimentation, providing support to singular voices – as well as building a collective experience, a performance that will be different each time, but founded on mutual premises of collaboration, intra-support and interaction.

Who is Tisa?
Tisa is a performer (vocalist), organizer (of situations, sessions, events and concerts), a composer and an improviser, a thinker, a radio host and a writer.
Flowing with a swarm of fragments by the principles of multidisciplinarity, multi-tasking, omni-focus, merging totalities and abundance.

RE#SISTER member Cesare Fontana hosts accessible workshops building a simple synthesizer on a circuitboard.
More info mail

RE#SISTERS Sara van der Valk and Kick Huender perform as a duo called Brandnetel: acoustic bass guitar, ARP synthesizer and vocals.
Free, intense and unpredictable!